Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

 PTSD treatment in Surrey

If you have arrived at this part of the website then you may think you have (PTSD) or know someone you care about who you think may be suffering from it.

PTSD is a type of anxiety disorder which you may develop after being involved in, or witnessing, traumatic events. It is understood as an acute stress reaction. We first started to understand and notice the symptoms of this in war veterans. It used to be called a number of things including ‘shell shock’.

It is now known that all sorts of traumatic experiences including domestic abuse, being exposed to violence, witnessing or being involved in an accident or even a traumatic birth experience can result in PTSD. Childhood abuse can cause a particular type of trauma which we call complex PTSD.

Some symptoms of PTSD

It is important to realize that each individual can have very personal symptoms. You may have only one or two of the following symptoms however what is important is the amount of distress they cause to you and how this effects your ability to enjoy your life. Some of these are:

Intense and intrusive memories or nightmares as if the event is happening again. (Flashbacks)


  • A feeling that nobody can really understand what you have been through.
  • Feeling fearful and hyper-vigilant.
  • A difficulty with concentrating with normal life.
  • Feeling jumpy, tense and intolerant to  noise.
  • Having panic attacks, depression or anxiety.
  • Feeling angry, numb, isolated or withdrawn.Cut off from your body or feelings.
  • Physical sensations that are specifically related to the trauma or seemingly strange ones that you don’t understand and that have come about due to the high levels of distress you have been feeling.
  • Suicidal thoughts.
  • A feeling of responsibility for what happened.

It isn’t really possible to predict who will suffer from PTSD symptoms after a trauma. It can occur shortly after the traumatic event or many months or years later. Sometimes it is those very people who have coped well during the trauma that are surprised and ashamed that they start to have symptoms months or years later  in life when they are no longer at risk or hoped that they had forgotten what had happened. This can be even harder and isolating because they and others believe they should have ‘got over it’.

The use of drugs or alcohol to cope and manage the symptoms can complicate matters and they then themselves become a problem over time.

Treatment for PTSD

There are a number of effective treatments I use which will reduce your symptoms if you come and see me. I have a thorough understanding of working with PTSD and a range of different methods that will help.

Probably the most important issue for success when seeking treatment apart from seeing someone with suitable qualifications and experience is finding someone who you really trust and can talk to. I pay exceptionally close attention to you and what has happened to you. I work gently and respectfully.

What you can expect from me:

A thorough understanding of who you, what has happened to you in the past and what you are experiencing now.

Psychotherapy and Counselling techniques that are applicable to you and what you want to overcome.

Some education and self help techniques suitable for you.

Relaxation techniques which may involve mindfulness if that suits you.

Cognitive behavioural therapy.

Hypnotherapy if you feel comfortable with this type of therapy and if you are suited to this.

EMDR stands for Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing. It is a particularly effective therapy developed for trauma with a strong research base and most of my clients get very positive results from it.

We work at a pace you feel comfortable with. Most people can reduce the symptoms of PTSD  or rid themselves of it completely so they can live a normal life.

Please browse this website to see who I am and what I do. The first 15 minutes of the initial appointment is free to give you time to decide if I am the right person to help you with no obligation to continue.

If you wish to discuss anything before booking an appointment you can telephone me on 01932 702662 email me at or use the contact me page. Alternatively you can book directly through the booking system on the site at a time that is convenient for you.


Book online to make an appointment for the treatment of your choice, or for an initial consultation.


Click the link below to book online, or alternatively you can contact me directly.

Practice Location

Located in Ottershaw, Surrey, my practice is situated near to the M25, Woking and Weybridge, and is easily accessible to those in the surrounding areas.